Kicking off an Umbraco Site

The first time I deployed Umbraco it was kind of blah. I was having some connection issues and I actually tried to do it via WebMatrix.  This time around, I am doing it with the one-click install package that comes with my hosting account.

Umbraco is a Asp.Net CMS that is very stable and well received in the market.  I was impressed when I heard they had a new version out that is using angular.  I was a bit more leaning towards utilizing Orchard more because it was built using Asp.NET MVC and Umbraco uses Web Forms but I wanted to give it a solid try.  The starter kit that was pre-installed is also pretty slick and feature-rich to get you started with a solid foundation, unlike most CMS platforms gimmicky home page.

I’m getting educated on the Umbraco Platform by using the Umbraco.TV Videos which give you bite size tid bits to chew on as you build your knowledgebase.  You can check out my progress here:   So far Umbraco is pretty solid, especially in comarison to or DotNetNuke.

“He writes life time recipes, swagger was his specialty
Ingredients, far from meaningless, pure necessity”