Know your browser like the back of your hand

As mentioned, I want to dig deep in HTML. And I will do my best to make this month dedicated to HTML. Some basics stuff, some tricks of the trade, and tools.

One tool I want to share is a web site that allows you to test your browser.  Whether it’s mobile or desktop, knowing what version your browser is gives you an idea of what HTML, CSS and Javascript code is supported.  So visit this site:   In addition to revieweing the browser that you primarily use for your web browsing, you can also see what features are available for you to use.  As an exercise, an a way to expand your knowledge use the list of checks as a list to evaluate functionality and purpose.

Knowing your browser version is very critical in trouble shooting web development issues. Later versions support newer technology.  But, in some instances companies have security restrictions that prevent their users from updating or downloading various browsers.  Knowing your browser, knowing common culprits of other browsers, and equipping your workstation with multiple browsers, and even multiple devices will be very beneficial!

‘And on the norm, the plot could be/ To be expressed in who we are and addressin’ who they aren’t’ – Isaiah Rashad


About dalain

Dalain is a Technical Program Manager, entrepreneur and speaker that specializes in Technology for Businesses, STEM, StartUps, and Economic Development. As well as running a business and writing, he spends time volunteering in the community, supporting Black Businesses, listening to underground hip hop, and helping those in need.