Hackathon in New Orleans Essence Festival
The #YesWeCode Hackathon will bring together nearly 200 of the tech industry’s brightest developers, designers, and influential business professionals working alongside 50 high potential youth to solve problems with the goal of transforming their neighborhoods into thriving communities where everyone experiences success regardless of race, gender, abilities or other factors. Our focus is to provide an encouraging and electrifying environment where everyone works together to build great apps centered around education, environmental sustainability, restorative justice, music/entertainment, and health/wellness. At the end of #YesWeCode Hackathon, participants will walk away with a sense of accomplishment, inspired by experiencing what is possible when brilliant people get together to solve problems. Qeyno Labs is powering the hackathon, in partnership with #YesWeCode. Learn more about how to participate at www.yeswecodehack.com f you are able to volunteer, would you please register here: http://bit.ly/LIRTechVolunteers_NOLA for technical mentors or http://bit.ly/LIRnontech_NOLA for non technical mentors. If you know a few girls you would like to participate, please have them register here http://bit.ly/NOLA_Hack .
See More here: www.essence.com/festival/yeswecode “Never silent – no dope getting dumb nope |